
The Biography of Umar bin Al-Khattab رضي الله عنه – set of 2 Vols


Arabic Title

سيرة عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه


The Biography of Umar bin Al-Khattab رضي الله عنه – set of 2 Vols


Dr. Ali Muhammad As-Sallaabee




14 cm x 21 cm








1.700 KGS

Availability: 2 in stock

SKU: DSE0384 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,

This book describes, among other things, the principles upon which `Umar ibn al-Khattab [Islamic phrases=”Radhiyallahu ‘anhu”]I[/Islamic] governed the Muslims during his caliphate; among those principles were mutual consultation, justice, equality among people, and honoring of freedoms.

With the turn of every page, the reader will come to appreciate the fact that `Omar [Islamic phrases=”Radhiyallahu ‘anhu”]I[/Islamic] was exceptional in his Faith, distinguished in his knowledge, profoundly wise in his thinking, remarkable in his eloquence, noble in his manners and great in the contributions he made to this Nation.

We are living in tumultuous times, but they are no less tumultuous than the era of Khalifah `Omar Ibn al-Khattab (Umer/Omer bin Alkhataab), whose life began in Jahiliyah and ended in the Golden Age of Islam. We can learn much from the history of this second caliph of Islam, who was faced with unprecedented challenges but met them successfully within the framework of shari’a and in accordance with the true spirit of Islam.

For those who would be leaders, this book offers the model of an ideal Muslim leader, one who felt responsible before Allah for the well-being of all those under his rile, including his troops, women, infants, non-Muslims, and even animals. Caliph Omar was a `hands-on` leader who kept himself informed and consulted scholars and experts before every major decision.

For the rest of us, this book offers a window into an exciting and important period of Islamic history, and it also reminds of an important lesson, that our strength comes not from wealth or money or status, but from our submission to Allah and our commitment to the path of Islam.

Weight 1.700 kg
Dimensions 21 × 14 × 7 cm
Authors / Translators




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