Whatever our situation may be in this life, a life of struggle or comfort, our inevitable
fate is the same as the life of this world is temporary.
O believer, this world is not meant to be your paradise, but knowing that Paradise awaits, makes this journey so much more bearable and rewarding. Remember that every difficulty is temporary and every moment is an opportunity. If you get this right, after all your struggles, all you tests and trials know that your eternal sanctuary awaits.
Jannah, that is built by your deeds and decorated by your dua’s. Chalets of crystals sparking on the horizon for a soul that gave up sin, tree trunks of green emerald and branches of gold for a simple word of remembrance. Each of your shuddering breaths, every second of discomfort you faced, and every one of your sacrifices, all have been accounted for, repaid with sights and rewards unimaginable and the company of the Most High.
ilmStore has partnered with Kube Publishing to produce this book as a Special Indian Edition. By printing it in mono-colour and paperback, we can make this book available at an affordable price.