
Ramadan Has Arrived


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SKU: USS0015 Categories: ,

Author: Shaykh Abd al Razzaq Ibn Abd al-Muhsin al-Abbad
Publisher: Hikmah Publications (2015)
Pages: 42 Binding: Paperback 5.75 x 8.25 x .2″

Description from the publisher:

One group of people meet this month by focusing on the market places so that they can buy different types of foods, edibles and dishes.

Another group of people, when the month of Ramadan arrives they prepare for themselves different forms of games, amusements and distractions.

There is another group of people whom Allaah has graced with success, He has preserved them by way of His care and He has protected them by way of His providence. Thus, the start to prepare themselves properly for Ramadan.

They start by allocating time for the Qur’an, time for remembrance of Allaah, time for praying the night prayer, time for assisting the poor, time for spending, and time for attending the circles of knowledge.

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